Move Monkey
A physical activity app focused on parent/child bonding
For this project, we were tasked as a group to solve a UX design problem which utilizes some form of ubiquitous technology. We were to find a specific pain point and design around that context with the desired user in mind.
My Contribution
I contributed during all stages of the design thinking process. My most significant work was done with the homepage, list of available/past activities, and many of the overlay interactions that are seen throughout.
Many families struggle with two problems.
1. Lack of connection
2. Sedentary lifestyle
An app for families that utilizes smart watch technology to track data. Together parent/child earn badges through completion of physical activities which fosters bonding.
Secondary Research
To better understand our potential users and what they desire, my group conducted online research by looking at various research studies on the topic of parent/child bonding and physical activity. These quotes from the National Library of Health and the National Institute of Health were the primary influences to our design research.
“It is known that the physical activity levels of children and among youth and parents are correlated; therefore, inactive parents will more likely have inactive children.”
“Exercise will also help boost your emotional bond through coordinated actions and mimicry.”
National Library of Health
“Children who engage in sedentary behaviors are at an increased risk for various negative health outcomes, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and poor mental health”
“1 in 4 white US adults spend about 70% of their waking hours sitting”
National Institute of Health
Task Analysis
Following our secondary research, my group went through the process of making a task analysis, which highlights key tasks/features that our users will need to complete their goals successfully. The task analysis gave my group a better overall understanding of our users needs within our design.
Next, we created a storyboard to visualize how our users might use our design to achieve their goals.
The storyboard follows the users Mr. Smith and his son, Timmy. Mr. Smith notices that both he and Timmy lack consistent physical activity and are not spending time together. Mr. Smith decides to use an app which allows for parent/child to select an activity together. Mr. Smith and Timmy pick an activity and have fun, increasing their connection. Mr. Smith and Timmy earn a badge at the end of their activity and are given a summary report. This encourages both to want to use the app again so that they can invite neighbors and friends to join in the fun.
This storyboard gave our group more insight on what should be our design’s focus going forward into the ideate stage.
For our design to make sense for our users goals and needs, we knew that we needed to make sure we use a “hands off” type of technology so that families can fully immerse themselves in the activity and bond. Our group decided to incorporate smart watch technology that has a built in accelerometer to track the users steps so that it can award badges when activities are completed. Our technology also incorporates GPS tracking so that the user can receive an accurate summary of their activity.
User Flow
Following our secondary research, my group went through the process of making a task analysis, which highlights key tasks/features that our users will need to complete their goals successfully. The task analysis gave my group a better overall understanding of our users needs within our design.
After our user flow was created, we went through the process of sketching. This allowed us to further explore how the user interactions might appear visually.
Lo-Fi Prototype & Test
The sketches from our user flows were then developed into wireframes.
Lo-Fi Prototype & Test
Our initial wireframes were reviewed by 9 peer UX designers. Each evaluator had a clear understanding of the problem, proposed solution, user flow diagram, and wireframes to help them understand the context. From these findings, a few key issues were pointed out.
Our homepage screen was generally critiqued for being boring and not having good hierarchy
The connect section of the app was not easily accessible
The badges were not as fun or visually playful
These comments were then implemented in the final prototype.
Hi-Fi Prototype & Test
Interactive Prototype
After the initial evaluations, we developed the screens into interactive prototypes. These are the key screens and tasks.
Hi-Fi Prototype & Test
Landing Page
Lastly, we developed a landing page to promote our system, Move Monkey!
Conclusion & Reflection
Designing a UI/UX system utilizing ubiquitous technology proved to be more challenging than I initially thought. There were a lot of considerations that had to be made in order to ensure that the design made sense and was useable. Probably the biggest challenge I personally faced with designing Move Monkey was using auto layout. I made the mistake of heavily relying on previous experience I had, rather than truly taking the time to re-learn many important key aspects. This made the pacing of my work slower during the initial design of our hi-fi prototyping. I am taking away two strengths from this project, my ability to research and also learning to better collaborate with teammates. Working on Move Monkey has made me realize how important it is to not underestimate that there is always something new to learn, especially with UI/UX. I leave this project with a better understanding of UI/UX, Figma, design research/process, heuristics, and collaboration!
Meet the Team